Our parents and citizens association (P&C) is made up of parents and carers, teachers and community members. The P&C meets regularly to contribute to decision-making, developing policies and management plans as well as fundraising.
The P&C meetings are a great forum to be kept up to date with all P&C fundraising efforts and provide you the opportunity to have your say in educational matters and developments in the school. Parents also get to hear a direct update from our school principal on school developments and latest activities impacting our students.
P&C meetings are held run in the evening twice a term covering relevant agenda items and are usually held on a Tuesday evening. Dates are always displayed in the school calendar and newsletter. All parents, carers and citiziens are welcome to attend the meeting and contribute to the discussion.
Our P&C keeps documents of our meetings and annual general meeting (AGM) here. Download and view:
P&C Meeting Minutes - 7 March 2023 (231KB)
P&C Meeting Minutes - 5 September 2023 (189KB)
P&C AGM Minutes - 12 March 2024 (108KB)
P&C Meeting Minutes - 17 September 2024 (88KB)